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Ch 34 Employment Immigration & Labor Law 2 Assignment

Ch 34 Employment Immigration & Labor Law 2 Assignment

Q 1) What issue generally determines whether an employer may monitor an employee's activities electronically? 2) What steps should an employer take to insure that it would be legally permissible to monitor employee's use of electronic devices , such as the computer or cell phone, at the work place? 3) What is an employer's legal obligation upon hiring employees to insure against the hiring of illegal immigrants? 4) Discuss the concepts of collective bargaining and strikes in the context of permissible union activity. Are strikers guaranteed their old jobs back after the strike ends?

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The issue of privacy can emerge in case of an employer monitoring an employee’s activities electronically at the workplace (Clarkson, Miller & Cross, 2016). This is because in case of using a company e-mail system by an employee, the privacy of the conversations will be compromised as the employer has every legal right to monitor/keep a record of all the e-mails sent and received by the employee. The employee cannot have any legal/reasonable expectation for maintaining privacy by the employer because the e-mail system will always be provided by the employer.